Bring an event, workshop, or training to your organization. Learn how to safe physically and emotionally. Choose from the topics and experiences below and fill out the request form.

Boundary Setting
Verbal Assertiveness/Saying No
Recognizing Intrusions
Conflict Courage and Tact
Positive Self-Talk

Safety Planning
Smart Partying
Internet and Dating Safety
Numbing vs HealingÂ
Identifying Support Networks

Self-Defense Skills
Intuition Sensitivity
Exit Options
Escape Strategies
Physical Defense Skills

RA and Peer Mentor TrainingsÂ
Any of the Above +
Healthy Relationships
Releasing Stress
Community Building
Developing Purpose and Meaning

Bring Safe in Her City to Your Town!
Develop City Specific Introductions
Self-Defense Strategies
Self-Confidence Activities
Build Community
Send a Request
We'll get back to you within a week to coordinate the details.Â